Behavior changes
- Translator: Google (Demo) closed by provider and removed from the list.
- Translator: Yandex limited by provider due to end free access.
New features
- Clipboard manager.
- Disable switching in full screen applications.
- Switch raw HTML right in the window.
- Words and apps exclusions.
- All hotkeys have a disable setting.
- KB: Problem resolving mode.
- Saving data from the explorer to the clipboard.
- Security improvements.
- Translation error notification is now directly in the window.
- Translator: Added Microsoft Provider.
- Translator: Added provider Intento.
- Translator: Added provider PROMT.
- Translator: Input preview enable option.
- Translator: Manual translation button.
- Translator: auto-detect language is now a separate setting.
- Translator: cookies and headers have been added to the parameters of the translator function.
- Translator: in MS Word, the language of the translation is set for the text.
- Translator: Добавлен провайдер Lingvanex.
- Case does not switch in translation window.
- Changing case sometimes overwrites characters.
- Crash when getting error text from the system that contains placeholders.
- Crash: Text link disappear while processing command.
- Entering a password erases characters in Dashlane.
- Hanging on copying in the MS Visual Studio search box.
- If open two contextual translators, the first translates only after closing all subsequent.
- Jump during correction to the next table cell in Word.
- Kernel: Null values cause to wrong memory cleanup.
- LinkedIn messenger: pasting translated selected text doesn't work.
- No translation of mixed content.
- Regular strings have no precedence over abbreviations.
- The letter C is inserted instead of the action, if you quickly release Ctrl.
- Translation of text is sometimes not taken from the selection.
- Translation of text sometimes doesn't apply to selection.
- Translator: HTML with special symbols is translated not correctly.
- Translator: Hash tags processing.
- Translator: Incorrect processing of own special characters.
- Translator: Non standard empty HTML tags are moved from it's parent.
- Translator: Sometimes links contain untrimmed spaces.
- Translator: Sometimes the language does not switch in the application.
- When autoconverting, sometimes the first character remains.
- WinXP: Crash: sprintf float and double formatting.
- Windows shows SmartScreen protection window and blocks run.
- Some words added to the dictionary.
- Installer: Checking launch under administrator account.
- Translator: '&' symbol in text breaks further text while Google (Demo) using.
- Per-User Installation.
- After installation under not admin account the product doesn't auto-start.
New features
- Contextual selected text translation in any application.
- Translation with preserving text formatting.
- Translator with provider support.
- Abbreviation switching - only if typed in capital.
- Added dictionaries EN, RU, DE.
- Installer's wizard: the page for sending correctable words.
- Adobe products: Changing the layout of the selected text inserts the last value from the clipboard.
- Auto switch inside the typed word.
- Balloon on controls sometimes disappears immediately.
- Case sensitive words are not case sensitive.
- Checkboxes do not end phrases under Classic OS style.
- Console: Current keyboard layout not detected.
- Does not switch layouts again on selection.
- Doesn't work in Adobe products.
- EULA for RU not in Russian.
- Edge: The current layout is always defined as 'en'.
- No auto-switch when erasing already entered characters through Backspace.
- On some systems, auto-switching layouts does not have time to work.
- Outlook: When changing the first letter in the bullet, a warning about multilingual input is shown.
- Password entry fields not detected.
- PowerShell: The current layout is always defined as 'en'.
- VMWare: Processes clicks inside a VM.
- When uninstalling immediately after installation, the EXE is not unloaded.
- White background under RichText on dialog.
- Win7 x64: click on balloon does not work.
- Google Chrome: in the search bar if in Russian, then switching does not go to English.
- Google Chrome: when entering Russian, switches to English.
- Hotkey settings cannot be edited.
- Win7: Sometimes after Shift-Break the reaction is the same as pressing Enter (in Lynk).
- Active problem solving mode: severe input rate degradation.
- Crash on translation of selected text if in BITMAP in the clipboard.
- The menu is not called from the tray after clicking OK on the settings window.
- There is no word 'yes' in the Russian dictionary.
- When changing the selected single character for which there is a match in the database, after Enter it still translates back.
- Win Vista: startup code E_INVALIDARG.
- WinXP: configuration file does not download.
- Switching of the last entered word does not work.
- Launcher - Defining an already installed language.
- Alt sometimes sticks.
- If conversion takes a long time, then the function key sticks.
- Not always conversion of selected text.
- Outlook: In a new letter when changing the selection - error 0x80070006.
- Richtext on checkbox in About has system font.
- Win7: Notepad: When you press ALT to call up the menu and press back, the cursor stops moving with the buttons.
- Win8-10: In the menu, the group is named by the company name instead of the product.
- Added letter keys.
- All system keys added to prohibited.
- Auxiliary keys editor through checkboxes.
- The tray icon is dependent on the version of Windows.
- Validation of each hotkey.
- ALT sometimes sticks - and switching between windows is buggy.
- After saving the Problem Resolver Mode settings, the key settings are no longer saved.
- Alt+Mouse is blocked.
- EULA does not open.
- Excel: forced cell switching does not work when editing a cell.
- Explorer: when editing a name, case switching of selected text does not work.
- Google Drive: forced document switching does not work when editing a document.
- Outlook Express, Visual Studio: Clipboard isn't be restored back.
- Outlook: changing the selected text does not work in the body of the message.
- Remote Desktop: ALT does not work on console FAR.
- When Alt+Shift is assigned, switching does not work.
- When typing with Shift, after switching, it is off.